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Thursday, 15 January 2015

Ahead of Obama visit, Army warns 200 militants trying to infiltrate

The Army on Thursday said there are inputs about possibility of attacks by Pakistan-based terror outfits on "soft targets" such as schools, religious places, military convoys and civilian areas in Jammu and Kashmir ahead of US President Barack Obama's India visit.
"We have intelligence inputs that militants might try to attack soft targets, including schools and civilian areas, ahead of US President Barack Obama's visit," Lt. Gen. KH Singh, commander of the Army's 16 Corps, said.


"Around 200 heavily-armed militants are waiting in 36 launch pads across the Pir Panjal mountain range to infiltrate into the Indian side," Lt. Gen. KH Singh said.
Singh said the terror infrastructure across the border is active and terrorist organisations were receiving the support of Pakistani establishment including the Army and ISI.
"There is every possibility that Pakistan will try to divert some of the fringe elements of the home grown terrorist outfits to the Indian side," he added.
Intelligence agencies warned last month that Lashkar-e-Tayyaba (LeT) militants might plan an attack in India to coincide with the visit of the US president.
Obama is the chief guest on the country's Republic Day on January 26 ceremonial parade and celebrations in New Delhi.

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